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divendres, 3 de juliol del 2009

1. Answer to the following test:

Are you leading healthy life?

1. How many meals do you have per day?

a) From 4 to 5
b) 3 meals a day
c) I just eat when I'm hungry

2. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."

a) Definitely, I can leave home without having my lovely breakfast
b) I'm not hungry in the morning
c) I don't have time to eat anything, I'm always in a rush

3. For lunch time...

a) I try to eat meat and vegetables every day
b) I love having pasta
c) I always have sandwiches or pizzas

4. What do you drink with your meal?

a) I always have still water
b) I normally have soft-drinks
c) I have nothing to drink

5. How many pieces of fruit do you have?

a) I try to have 4-5 pieces in a day
b) I only eat fruit after lunch
c) I can't stand fruit, I hate it

6. How often do you eat fast-food?

a) I hate fast food
b) On fridays I always order some pizzas
c) I have fast-food twice a week

7) I prefer staying at home being a "couch-potatoe" rather than practising sport.

a) Not at all, I love practising sport
b) I like doing both
c) Sport is a waste of time

*If most of your answers are
"A", you love yourself and you like enjoying life in a healthy way.

*If most of your answers are
"C", You are not taking enough care of yourself.What you like is not always the best for you.

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